
时间:2023-02-27 11:08:41






























































1.语言知识目标:学习课文中的重点词汇ancient, remain, notice, produce, pleasant, pie, by accident, according to, fall into, throw,达到四会;掌握并熟练运用一般过去时的被动语态。










Step I Leading-in (3 minutes)

Greet to the class.

T: Hi, boys and girls! First let me introduce myself. I come from No.6 Middle School. My name is Du Hongmei. You can call me Miss Du. So nice to meet you, everyone!

Ss: Nice to meet you, Miss Du!

T: Who put the paper notes here? It’s really in a mess.

(Teacher collects the paper notes in the box. Then show the box to the class.)

T: What is it?

Ss: It’s a paper box.

T: What’s it used for?

Ss: It’s used for putting small things/ holding...

T: Why did we invent it?

Ss: To collect things easier and make our room much tidier.

T: We have lots of inventions to solve the problem in daily life.

T: When we listen to English, what do we use? (a TV? a computer? a mobile phone or a tape recorder?)

Ss: A tape recorder.

T: But when you listen to English, can you take a recorder everywhere?

Ss: No, we can’t.

T: In order to solve this problem, what people invented? Can you guess?

Ss: MP3.

(Teacher takes out an MP3 and shows it to the class.)

T: What is it? What’s it used for?

Ss: ...

T: Yes, it’s used for listening to English or music any time and anywhere without disturbing others.

T: As we know, inventions like MP3 are changing our world all the time; they can make our life more convenient and more comfortable. Today we are going to talk about the inventions around us. We are going to learn Unit 9 When was it invented? Section B 3a~4b.

Step II Presentation (10 minutes)

T: Next, we are going to learn some words about the invention of tea. Read the following stories carefully, try to guess the meaning of the red words.

(Show the stories on the screen and get the students to guess.)

(Teacher explains the usages of the new words.)

Story One

Long time ago, a shepherd(牧羊人)noticed his sheep became more active after eating some red fruit from a bush. He boiled some and it produced a pleasant smell, so coffee, one of the most popular drinks was invented.

(Teacher explains the usages of the new words and give examples.)

Story Two

The Cowherd and the Weaver is a famous Chinese ancient legend. Now a new movie is made according to the story, lots of people go to see it in the theatre.

Story Three

Once a boy fell into a big vat(缸)full of water. The other kids ran help. Only Sima Guang remained there. He picked up a big stone and threw it at the vat. The vat was broken and the boy was saved.

Read the new words after the teacher together. Then students read them together once.

Say out the new words and phrases according to the Chinese meanings. One reads twice.

Step III Reading (20 minutes)

T: I’m thirsty now, what should I do?

Ss: You should drink some water.

(Show a bottle of water.)

T: Water is one kind of beverage. Beverage means drink. Read after me.

T: Next we are going to talk about another beverage, tea. Do you know how tea was invented?

Ss: ...

T: Please open your books and turn to Page 72. Read the article quickly and find out who invented tea.

(Students read the article and answer.)

T: Read silently and carefully and discuss the following questions in groups of 4.

(Get each group to answer one question.)

T: Let’s read the article aloud together.

T: Well, next let’s read one paragraph after one and analyze the article. Please look at the screen.

Paragraph One

Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water), ... invented...?

T: The first paragraph tells us what was invented. It's the thing of invention.

Paragraph Two

Although tea wasn't brought to the Western world until 1610, this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that. According to an ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire.

(Teacher explains the word over in this paragraph. Let the students sum up the main points according to the red words.)

Ss: It tells us the time, the person and the place.

T: Yes, it tells us when it was invented, who it was invented by and where it was invented.

Paragraph Three

Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time. The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell. Later he decided to taste the hot mixture. It was quite delicious.

T: The third paragraph tells us the process of the invention. It tells us how tea was invented.

Paragraph Four

And in this way, one of the world’s favorite drinks was invented.

T: The last paragraph tells us how important tea is. It tells us the importance of the invention.

T: Next please discuss on how to write about an invention in groups of four and fill in the form on the study plan.

(Lead the students to sum up the main points and write on the blackboard.)

T: If there is time, place, person, cause, process and result in an article, we call it a narrative.

(Explain the six elements and narrative in Chinese.)

T: Look, it’s a flying disk. Read after me, flying disk. Who can play it? It’s an important invention because it can bring us a lot of fun. Read the article and try to find out the six elements of narrative. Discuss in pairs, fill in the chart using the question like:

―What was invented? ―Flying disk.

From pie plate to flying disk

The flying disk was invented by college students. The original flying disk was really a metal pie plate from a bakery in Bridgeport, Connecticut(布里奇波特,康涅狄格州). The students liked to eat the pie and then threw the pie plates each other. In the 1950s, a company began making plastic disk. Now there are flying disk clubs, a flying disk magazine, and even a national flying disk festival each September.

(Get several pairs to act out their conversations. Show the correct chart on the blackboard.)

Step IV Writing task (5 minutes)

T: We have learnt two articles about invention. I think you have known how to talk or write about an invention. If you are a magazine reporter, you want to introduce an invention. You can choose either of them to write about. Write it on your papers.

(Students: Write their compositions on the paper. Teacher goes around giving help if necessary.)

Step V Comments (5 minutes)

T: Do you know how to check a composition? Let me give you some advice on it.

(Teacher shows the ways to check a composition on the screen and make two or three examples.)

Step VI Summary & Homework (2 minutes)

T: What have we learnt in class?

Ss: ...

T: Which country did Shen Nong come from?

Ss: China.

T: Tea was invented by Chinese. But tea is drunk by people all over the world. What do you think of it? Don’t think that Chinese people are great and wise?

上一篇: 仓储配送实训总结 下一篇: 初一数学难点总结